Welcome to My Madness

I think it's important to establish right from the beginning that this blog pertains more to what happens before the art is created. I understand your curiosity about my methods and I promise to discuss it from time to time, but quite frankly, talking about my art bores me to tears. Maybe it's not so much that I'm bored, maybe it's more that truth be told, I don't completely understand the process myself. Once the first paint hits the canvas the methods are mostly out of my control. We'll talk about that another time.

What I can tell you about my art is that it's always a manifestation of my life. My thoughts, my emotions, my faith, my interactions with others - these things tell the story of who I am and are integral to my creativity and what you ultimately view on the canvas and in the journals. I'm honored that you've stopped by for a glance and I hope you'll return.  Maybe you'll even be able to leave me with some insights - I'd be honored to hear from you.


  1. Nice slide show of your work! I read your article on creative journaling and enjoyed that too~ I am in love with your use of color and can relate to how a painting method can be out of our control.
    Hope you have a great weekend~Theresa

  2. Your blog is so vibrant. Love it. And love, Speak No Evil.
